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just signed up for VIP, request twitter access

QuestionsCategory: Questionsjust signed up for VIP, request twitter access
Mike V asked 7 years ago
Hi Pat, a I just signed up for VIP access and submitted a twitter follow request to you.  My twitter handle is "@mvno4"  Thanks.
1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello Mike,
Welcome aboard!  We are honored to have you join!
Pat saw your request to be added to the VIP Twitter Feed and accepted that request a short while ago.
See you in the pits!

Addendum: We now have an application form for admittance into the VIP Twitter Feed:

Simply login to and click that link; once completed, make a request to "Follow" on  My receipt of that application form serves as my trigger alert to check the Twitter feed and accept you in.  Easy Peezy.  Thanks!