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Friedemann Both asked 5 years ago
Hello Pat, I am from Germany and very new here and I am very happy to have found you with your very helpful and educational website and Twitter information. I dealt a lot with IBD and ended up with you this way. It was  big luck for me! I now have the following question. 1. You also use the 30 and 60 minute charts in your daily key-list video. It all happens a bit quickly. Is there a video on how you use these timeframes? 2. How do you handle purchases in a breakout: we need a higher avg volume. How do you assess this during the breakout? Is there any help after I can act? 3. What does "LONG clear and simple base" mean to you? How long is "long"? 5 days? more? Thank you for your help! I am looking forward to your answer. Best regards, Friedemann
1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Friedemann,
Video from Patrick:

Friedemann Both replied 5 years ago

Hello Pat, thanks for the quick reply! That helps me alot! (further questions will follow I guess). Thanks!