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Let’s Review the recent Key List

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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’re taking a look at the markets and especially last night’s Key List (in order they were on the list).  Did you like that Pat is now including buy points on the Key List?  One of our premises going in to this project was that we didn’t want to spoon feed trades; we wanted to teach you how to find trades yourself.  Through repetition of going over chart patterns, over and over, we want you to develop the habit of discovering chart patterns that work.  Pat has a lot of heart in this and because a few folks have asked for buy points, he spent extra time to call out what he saw as good points on stocks on the Key List.  Will these always work?  Will they always go up?  No.  Not always.  Be sure to use good money management in your trading and always follow your rules.


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