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Best place to ask questions during trading hours

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsBest place to ask questions during trading hours
Alexey Likhoded asked 5 years ago

Hi Pat,
New member here, very excited and eager to learn.
Just checking what the best platform is for asking questions during trading hours?
I understand you are busy during trading hours watching the market, so not looking to fire endless stream of questions, but a question here and there for example regarding the current action of a MAXLIST stock would really help to fast track the understanding.

1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Alexey,
Absolutely the best place to access Pat during the trading day is in the VIP Twitter feed. I checked and see you already have access to @MissionWinners Jump in there and ask away! As you mentioned, things can get busy during trading hours, so if you post something and Pat doesn't respond within a few minutes, feel free to post again. Pat won't mind a bit. Sometimes he misses things because he's got so much going on. Also, when you post anything about a stock/ETF, include the ticker in the post so he's got everything in front of him. One thing Pat loves, and he comments to me about it all the time, is when members of the team post questions and interact with him on TWTR. He feels he is "getting through" and making a difference. Jump in there and go to town! :-)
Make it a Great Day!