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Current positions

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsCurrent positions
adriano piekarski asked 3 years ago
Hi Pat! I'm confused with the current positions and the positions you tell us you have. How can I understand it better? tks
1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 3 years ago

Positions we have and positions VIP members have a tendency to blend together at times. Since Pat keeps track/monitors many positions both he and members hold, he can easily talk about them interchangeably. Imagine if you were monitoring a handful of stocks for yourself along with another ten or so for others; it’d get rather intense.
The Current Positions page (link in every nightly Key List email) has listed the positions Pat currently holds.
The blue trade alerts that are sent out are on positions held by members.
Information on trade alerts can be downloaded; link is in an email sent to you shortly following initial signup.
If you are unable to find it, email our helpdesk at to request a download link.