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I don’t have MarketSmith, are there options?

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsI don’t have MarketSmith, are there options?
Bruce asked 7 years ago
Hi Pat, I am new here and glad to learn from you. The Key List is a great list that we can use for trading. If we don't use MarketSmith, any tools we can use instead and use the similar screening criteria as yours? Thanks.   wiwi    
1 Answers
Pat Walker Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello wiwi Lu,
I love your questions! This is how we learn, by asking. And I take answering questions VERY seriously. Thank you for the kind words!
There are other good programs out there. FinViz is one. I know several that use it and like it. It's also more reasonable than Marketsmith. TC2000 is great
for chart analysis screening. But weak on fundamental data. Let me ask the group. You'll see their answers in the VIP Twitter Feed. How does that sound?