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Key List Question for 2/11/18 List

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsKey List Question for 2/11/18 List
John Sahaida asked 7 years ago
Pat, you included several stocks (GWW, EBAY,SFLY,URBN etc) that have lower earnings and sales numbers on the Key List sent out Sunday night (2/11/18).  Would you be able to share how you screened to find these particular stocks?  Did you use a combination method such as percent off high and leading groups to find them?  I fully appreciate and understand that good charts and great fundamentals are in short supply right now.  What lead you to these stocks?
1 Answers
Pat Walker Staff answered 7 years ago

Good question! I have several different screens. All of them except 2 have earnings or sales filter on them. The two that don't "Key" on stocks in the Top 10 Groups or stocks with relative strength ratings. Also, when reading IBD they highlight certain stocks. I keep those on a list in MarketSmith, I scan these every day also.
If great price action: they make the "cut." Hope that helps!

John Sahaida replied 7 years ago

Yes Pat it does, thanks for fast response as always.