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MAXLIST and Key List questions

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsMAXLIST and Key List questions
Eskandar Bakhtiar asked 7 years ago

I'm new and was confused on the MAXlist and Key List.
I've asked many simple questions, forgive me, but I needed to be clear.
Is the max list a number of stocks and ETFs that stay in?
How often are there additions or deletions from the max list?
Where can I find the max list so I can enter them into my trading platform?
I've looked on the web page but couldn't really find a simple Max list.
I assume we can have days when a stock is on both lists, so we enter the trade?
Now the Key List:
I understand that the Key List changes daily per your emails / tweets.
Do we drop all the Key List stocks from the previous day completely?
If yes to the last question, then we enter the new key list with trigger prices, correct?
What if a stock from key list of say 2 days ago triggers? Do we ignore it or use it to enter a trade?
I think you have a downloadable csv file for key list that can be imported into a trading platform. reason I ask that it's laborious to enter them all in manually. Guess I'm lazy in that way!

Again, my apologies if some of these questions have been asked before.

1 Answers
Pat Walker Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello Eskandar,

Welcome to the team! I'm glad you're asking questions! That's how we learn. So let's address them.
The MAXlist is a constant list of stocks. There may be changes in the list. But that hardly ever happens. I constructed this list and parts of it almost 10 years ago. There has been a couple of changes over the years. But not too many. The last changes were ACIA and CMG being taken off the list a couple of years ago.

I will post the MAXlist for you here! Hope it helps. If you have any questions about it please ask!

The Key List is the stocks I am focusing on to buy that day. It truly is my FOCUS list. Sometimes MAXlist stocks may be on the Key List. We must always wait for a trigger. A breakout with volume, to buy. This is always true, regardless of the list it's on. To clarify, I will post the MAXlist in this reply and also in the VIP Twitter Feed. You might also take a few minutes to watch this video:
To answer your question about the Key List: the answer is YES. Each day I make a new Key List. Sometimes stocks are on are the list a couple of days in a row. I focus on the CURRENT Key List. I don't even look at the one from yesterday. It's off my system. If it's a good chart setup, it will be on the current Key List. Normally it comes OFF the Key List because it not longer fits the criteria we look for in the chart.
I'll have to ask Owen about a CSV file. I'll see what's available. Overall, the list is small. So I can type them in in less than 1 minute.
I'm glad you're asking these questions! I truly want to help folks and speed up their learning curve on analyzing charts and find WINNING STOCKS so we can make money!
Keep asking. That's why I'm here. I'm working for YOU!

Pat Walker