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Seperate Video Tab

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsSeperate Video Tab
levanyashin asked 7 years ago
Hello I was wondering if you would be able to make a separate page / Tab where we can reach to videos ? Like all videos in one place. I believe it would be easier to interact into new market wrapup videos, after trading day reviews and what not. I can't seem to find videos on market article at the VIP section of the platform Cheers !
1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Levanyashin,
All the videos are located here:
Notice then, near the upper right, (but still below the banner section) you’ll see the current categories; VIP, Chart Study, Groups and Sectors. If you click on one of those three, the page will show the videos currently assigned to that particular category. As we add videos and categories, those selections will continue to expand.
Hope that helps!

levanyashin replied 7 years ago

Hi Owen
Noted with thanks. just saw it. all cool