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Trading Statistics

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsTrading Statistics
bear9815 asked 7 years ago
Hello Pat, Thanks for all the hard work you put in to our education! A couple of weeks ago there was a question about expected returns following a strategy you employ. You mentioned the potential to either double or triple the account in the course of a year. I wanted to know if these figures are based off using about 20-25% of account equity per trade that you have mentioned. Also, do you have a rough estimate on the number of trades you place over the course of a year to achieve similar returns. Lastly, are there times that you use margin on the account. Thanks again!   Jeremy C.
1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello Jeremy,
Here is Pat's response...
Note: Sorry for the sloppy video posting that runs off the page, but if I use /iframe divs it breaks the page. So until I develop a solution we're going with better content over better appearance. :-)