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Trading style

QuestionsCategory: QuestionsTrading style
Vivek Rathore asked 6 years ago

Hi Pat,
As a new member I am feeling overwhelmed by your tweets. At times i noticed stocks are removed from key list ex. PYCT, MIME, WIX, DOCU and the very next day they are brought back in. Sometimes trades are made and within a day or less they are sold. This is day trading and you are fighting for pennies.
I feel trading should be based on trading knowledge that have been around for centuries. (i.e. Livermore). It should be rock solid and there has to be a lot of calmness around you and not in and out ....not good for the heart, eyes or mind.
I got attracted to your trading style in your videos in your archive where you look for good setups and ride the 9 EMA. This is good and i will incorporate this in my trading arsenal.
I have learnt a lot from you and would suggest once you enter a trade let it ride the 9 EMA otherwise it will confuse the heck out of your followers what is your exit strategy.
I feel you are in the level of Mark Minervini and lots of people like me will get the nuggets from you and run with it and I Thank You.

1 Answers
Avatar photoOwen Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Vivek,
Video from Patrick: