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Skip the hamburger. Be stringent in your selection.

Hamburger is fine. Most everyone enjoys a good hamburger. However, when you are scanning for stocks, you want STEAK!

Chisel in your stock screener to carve out only the best of the best and add those to your watch list. If one of those heats up and begins to fire, you’ll be smacking your chops glad to have chosen the best of the cut(s).

We apologize to all the vegetarians… my wife is a veg, so we understand not everyone is jazzed with our carnivorous analogy. But, you must admit… this steak is going to be great!  (OK, I’ll stop now)


Always – Always – Always conduct your own review before initiating any trades. Never simply take our word for it; not only do mistakes happen, but our risk tolerance may not be the same as yours. Never treat the Key List as a “buy list” or a tip service. We are first and foremost an educational service; please always do your own research and trade with care!

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