Always - Always - Always conduct your own review before initiating any trades. Never simply take our word for it; not only do mistakes happen,
How to build a screen on MarketSmith to uncover stock market winners Always - Always - Always conduct your own review before initiating any trades.
ETF Scanning to discover Strength Utilizing ETFs to scan for strength and group leadership. VIP members should check out the video: Leading Groups & the
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Systematize your scanning to find market strength We talk about and do this on a regular basis in an effort to find focal points in
To succeed you have to have Rules, Systems, Tactics. We do that at We focus on Leading Groups & Leading Stocks in those groups.
MarketSmith is our "go-to" tool. We know that 49% of a stocks price movement is related to the Industry Group and Sector the stock is
I love to "figure things out." What causes money to flow into a stock? Where does money consistently flow? Thru years of research and backtesting