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Unlocking ETF Trends: Weekly Market Review & MAXLIST Highlights – July 14, 2024

This market review highlighted several key trends and sectors to watch. The IBD 50 showed slight improvement without surpassing weekly highs, while gold miners and biotechnology sectors exhibited strength, suggesting potential opportunities. In contrast, oil and gas, aerospace defense, and transportation sectors lagged, indicating caution in these areas. Small and mid-cap stocks showed promise, as did home builders and real estate sectors, possibly due to speculation about interest rate changes. The S&P 500 and growth stocks were trending positively, though the NASDAQ 100 and semiconductors displayed less power. The review discussed several key stocks, including Apple’s positive trend, Meta being sold after showing weakness, Goldman Sachs trending nicely, and Tesla forming a base after a strong run. Throughout the analysis, the speaker emphasized the importance of looking for strength before buying, selling into strength, and not letting profits turn into losses. The value of using both weekly and daily charts for analysis and watching for volume on breakouts was also stressed. This review is part of a series of market analysis videos, with additional content available for VIP members on

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